Dwayne Ford
- Apr 20, 2018
The Making Of American Epic
I am biased and heavily emotionally invested in the subject matter but every human being on earth can relate to the topics Clara so elegantl
Dwayne Ford
- Jul 31, 2017
Some Thoughts On The Composition And Production Of “BEAUTIFUL BATTLE”
People are always asking me how I write music. Where does the idea come from? How do you get the inspiration? etc. Music was not meant to be
Dwayne Ford
- Dec 21, 2016
Is Music Streaming Killing Composers?
There is no product in the world that has less monetary value while at the same time being in such high demand. If the free market system wa
Dwayne Ford
- Dec 18, 2016
Tales From The Road (Part 1)
There is nothing in this world that compares to being in a touring rock band - especially when you're young and haven't yet experien
Dwayne Ford
- Nov 29, 2016
My Approach To Composing Epic Music
This is where the word "glory" comes into play. If your listeners aren't quietly whispering "holy shit" to themselve
Dwayne Ford
- Nov 21, 2016
How Drugs Can Affect Your Music Compositions
There is always a temptation to change one's mood with mind altering substances in the hopes it will somehow lead to breathtakingly impressi
Dwayne Ford
- Nov 16, 2016
The Challenge Of Composing Epic Music
I've been a pop/rock guy for most of my life. Four years ago, a major music publisher offered me a chance to try my hand at composing...